Sunday, September 12, 2010

Are you ready for some football?

I can almost hear the commercials...and Terry Bradshaw and Jimmy Johnson cracking the jokes. It's not just football time, it's back to school, back to routine, back to making time to make some changes.

Seasonal changes are funny for folks. The coming of fall welcomes structure and addressing the things we've been putting off whether it's yard work, getting back to the job search (if you're a recent grad or like so many others who have been laid off over the summer)or starting a fitness regimen or tackling some other personal goals.

Whenever we start something new it's always better to have someone to share the journey with who can hold us accountable. A change in season can be challenging for folks who lose momentum as a result. How do you stay in action?

It's always good to do what you can to fill your reserves before trying to address change. Line up your support system and if you don't have one, your challenge can start with creating one either online or in your community. Be a volunteer and become a part of something. Explore an interest or pursue people who are doing what you would love to do and ask them about their journey in getting there.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to take a step in some direction, even if things don't work out. The important thing is that you actually decide to put energy in motion.

Feel free to stop by periodically for the support you need! Make it a great week!


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