Sunday, December 12, 2010

Words and Behavior....

Thanks to all of those people who listened to my first broadcast on 1530AM, WCTR last Friday at 11 am. I appreciated your phone calls, e-mails and continued support as I embark on this new venture. Join me at the same time this Friday.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a big proponent of words and behavior matching. When they don't, my guard is up. I try to live by this and take it to extremes at times. For example, I will not tell my kids we are going to do something special I have planned unless I am absolutely sure I can make it happen. I'd rather them find out as we are pulling into the parking lot of some place special and be surprised than make them a promise and not be able to deliver.

I am quick to take note when I start to notice someone saying they are going to do something and then they don't follow through - especially if they are promising it to me or my kids. I won't get angry or hold a grudge, I will just know in the future not to take the person at their word.

The recipe is simple. Do what you can, don't over promise and deliver what you say you will. It helps to keep you living an authentic life and to be (to the people who matter most to you or even colleagues, co-workers,etc) who you want to be to them. It's amazing the difference you will make in your own life and in the quality of your relationships.

This week start paying attention to what you say and be sure your behavior is proof. Take notes and see if there are any discrepancies. If there are, be sure to close the gap.

Have a great week!

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