Sunday, November 7, 2010

What kind of life will you author?

I have been having some interesting talks with some folks lately about goals and strategizing. We have been talking about really getting in touch with yourself, your dreams, goals and essentially creating a vision.

Unless we are clear about where we want to go and create a map to get there, we kind of wander aimlessly. We become interested in many things and may even believe we can achieve them all without really sitting down to carve out the steps to achieve them.

If you're single and wanting to be in a relationship, what is it you want in a relationship? If you're in a geographic location not to your liking, what does your ideal one look like? What is your ideal job? Are you physically inactive but want to be fit? What kind of exercise do you like? What is the state of your family life and how does that look against what you want for your family?

The most important thing to remember about authoring a life is that you need to take time to write down your goals, you need to commit to them and you need to spend time.

This week I challenge you to look at all of the areas in your life and start to create a road map. Write down specific goals and dates for achievement. You don't need to complete it this week, just start it and continue to work on it with dedication in order to execute. We're all amazing writers of our own destiny!

Have a great week!


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