Sunday, May 23, 2010

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things....

Now that my private practice has been launched, I have had the honor of having friends and colleagues speak more openly about parenthood, more specifically, motherhood. It's interesting to note that the most difficult job in the world and it's challenges are often the least spoken about in social groups. How much are we trying to keep pace in a world that is not family centered but measures our worth based on our productivity and revenue generation? How much do we look to others to measure how we are doing?

I am a CNN junkie when I get the chance and interestingly enough I was able to catch a segment about post partum depression in dads the other day. Who would have ever thought men suffer this, too? The symptoms are similar to women's symptoms, but men's symptoms are more often overlooked and under reported. Check out I was surprised to hear about it, but in thinking more, why wouldn't dads be crashing too since they suffer sleep deprivation, lose their life as they knew it (and their wives as they knew them) and are expected not to lose a step at work. Their responsibilities have increased and their sleep has decreased, just like moms.

Do you remember what you loved before you were a husband, wife or mom or dad? My husband and I love music and it wasn't until recently that I realized that I really missed it! Our car trips had been taken over by infant and toddler music and rarely do we have an opportunity to find time to just put on some music and relax. There is nothing like belting out your favorite tunes in the shower, in your car or anywhere else for that matter! What is a parent to do?

A friend of mine used a funny term - 'baby muggers' to describe how we lose part of ourselves when we are in the parenthood trenches. It's easy to find ourselves with nothing to look forward to, when we are just replicating days and routines and we're too tired to do anything if we really wanted to and could!

What is a mom or dad to do? Get back to some of your favorite things!! What are some past times that you recall that bring a smile? What are some you remember from being single and what are some from when you were dating/newly weds? How can we find fun in routine?

Parents, take back your lives! We are doing THE most important job on earth but need to feel re-energized to get back in the arena. Go out for a date. Get to know your spouse again. Take a walk. Find a way to incorporate some of the things you love with the kids and keep mixing it up. Parents aren't the only ones who get bored, even kids tire of routine at times. The thing is if we get stuck in a rut in our parenting, in our marriages, our friendships or even our jobs, it's time to mix it up! Don't forget to schedule the fun!!

Try one of these:
Plan a night out with your spouse
Plan a family outting that's fun for everyone
Get together with an old friend and do something you haven't done in a while
Go get some icecream and take a stroll!
Turn up the music
Rent a funny movie and snuggle

Simply remember your favorite know the rest!!!

Go get 'em!

PS. I'm on my way, honey!

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